Friday, November 7, 2014

Desires 11/7/14

My Desires...

I desire to walk the The Camino de Santiago
I desire to tour Italy, France, England and all of Europe
I desire a Costco Membership (Thank you universe for this gift being granted for free).
I desire the ability to have a second companion animal for Maia and for myself.
I desire Maia's ongoing health and well being
I desire my bankruptcy to go smoothly and with little loss.
I desire that Will will be able to do what he needs to finacially to care for himself and keep the car
I desire that he be granted his wish to be published and make his living as a writer.
I desire my business to thrive and grow to a point that it is able to support me, my life and desires
I desire multiple sources of income to help create financial stability
I desire financial stability
I desire a membership to The Leonardo
I desire a membership to the Salt Lake Film Society
I desire a healthy weight and lifestyle
I desire connection, friendship and relationships with people who are able to give love unconditionally
I desire a Prius (Red, with moon roof).
I desire to purchase Mac Cosmetics (Thank you,  universe for this gift and the kind woman who took such good and gentle care of me during my makeover. She earned blessings that night).
I desire new furniture or the ability to reupholster the pieces I love to better reflect my taste and style.
I desire to eliminate my student debt
I desire health and well being
I desire peace
I desire joy
I desire to be able to meet the standards at Amex to ensure job security
I desire a bottle of Stella by Stella McCartney.

Thank You.  It is done, it is done, it is done. So mote it be.

For some time I was a follower of Regena Thomasaur, also known as Mama Gena of Mama Gen's School of the Womanly Arts.  Her spin on positive thinking and manifestation is interesting, in that it's focus on that drive to create coming from the feminine principal (she's calls it "pussy" though I believe that the Yoni is just an outward manifestation of a woman's power).  

One of the tools she speaks of in her coaching is what she calls a "Desire List."  A desire list is exactly what it says... things you desire, wish to create and would like to draw into your life.  It;s also a space to give thanks for the things you receive. For me I've done many desire lists over the years, but I find with Paper it's very easy to become spoiled.  Hence I've decided to blog my list... my hopes, my dreams... my wishes for the life I would like to create,